# Laurel Canyon

Laurel Canyon loyalists lingered, luxuriously lounging on lustrous leather loveseats and leafy lounge chairs, all lavishly laid out in Lexington’s Laurel Canyon lineup. Lost in the labyrinths of lacquered lattice and luminous laminates, they labored to laud the line's luscious looks and lustrous lures. Lamentably, their lexicon lagged, leaving their laudatory language largely labyrinthine, littered with laughable lapses. Leaning languidly on Laurel Canyon's lacquered lecterns, they laconically lisped, "Lo, Laurel Canyon leads in luxe!" Latching onto the litany of 'L’s,' their loquacious lingo looped ludicrously, letting linguistic lapses lay low their lofty locutions, leaving Laurel Canyon language more loopy than laudable.